Can You Put A Washing Machine Anywhere?

Yes, you can place a washing machine in various locations within your home, but it’s not as simple as just plugging it in. 

For a safe and efficient setup, the machine requires access to a water supply, drainage, and an electrical connection. It’s also important to position it in a spot where it can operate safely, without posing any risks. 

Wondering about the specifics and how you can find the perfect spot for your washer? Keep reading to discover everything you need to know.

What Does A Washing Machine Need? (checklist for safe installation)

person looking at washing machine

While you can put a washing machine anywhere, it needs a few essentials to work properly. Let’s break down what these are.

Your Washing Machine Needs An Electrical Connection

Just like any other appliance, your washing machine requires a stable electric power source. All its functions, from the control panel to spinning the drum, depend on electricity. 

Watch out for electrical fluctuations, as they can harm your machine and shorten its lifespan. A reliable power source ensures a smooth laundry experience and minimises electrical issues and fire hazards. 

Remember, in the UK, there are specific guidelines for placing electric sockets, especially in bathrooms. It’s always best to check the UK government guidelines on where you can place an electric socket in case you’re planning to add one in your chosen location. 

Your Washing Machine Needs A Water Supply

A person putting clothes into a washing machine

Besides electricity, water is important for your washing machine. Water helps dissolve and activate the detergent, which then removes stains, dirt, and odours from laundry. 

Make sure there’s a water supply nearby to avoid hose problems like stretching or kinking. Always check for leaks at all connection points to prevent water damage.

If there’s no water supply in your chosen spot, you might face additional costs for professional plumbing.

Your Washing Machine Needs A Drainage System

For washing, rinsing, and spinning, your washing machine is required to alternate between filling and draining water. 

A good drainage system guarantees that dirty water is properly disposed of. Without it, your machine might stop working, fail to proceed to the next part of the wash, or could even flood, affecting both the interior and exterior of the machine.

Moreover, stagnant water inside the machine can become a breeding ground for mould, posing risks to both the machine and your health as it can transfer to clothes.

Your Washing Machine Needs A Level and Stable Surface

washing machine and dryer

It’s important that your washing machine sits on a flat and stable floor. Why? Well, when a washing machine spins, it can shake quite a bit. 

If it’s not on a level surface, it could move around. This isn’t just noisy – it’s also risky. The machine could bump into things, which isn’t safe for you or your home. 

Plus, a stable position makes sure your laundry gets washed evenly. If the machine is tilted, your clothes might not get cleaned properly. So, always check that your chosen spot for the washer is as flat and steady as can be!

Your Washing Machine Needs Space and Ventilation

Having enough space around your washing machine is not just about convenience for loading and unloading laundry. It’s also important for the appliance’s health and safety. 

If you’re thinking of fitting your washing machine into an existing area, it’s important to make sure that the dimensions of the space match the size of your machine, with extra room for air to move around. This helps to prevent problems like mould, which can build up in damp conditions, and ensures that air flows properly around the machine.

Since washing machines generate heat during their operation, ample space on all sides is important. This space is not just for air to circulate; it also plays a key role in preventing the machine from overheating. Overheating not only damages the machine but also poses a fire hazard.

Additionally, consider the placement of your washing machine in relation to regular maintenance tasks. If your machine is squeezed into a tight spot, it’ll be difficult to carry out routine checks and cleaning. Easy access for maintenance helps you keep your washing machine in top condition and extends its lifespan.

Choose The Right Location For Your Washing Machine

Aim for a spot that is convenient, accessible, and safe. Since washing machines are heavy and difficult to move, finding the right place from the start saves you time and effort. 

Always prioritise safety – the location should not only meet the machine’s operational needs but also ensure it poses no risk to household members.



The kitchen is a common choice for installing a washing machine, as it usually has the necessary water and electrical connections. It’s also efficient for space-saving, allowing you to multitask with laundry and cooking.

Some kitchens even have big cupboards that can hide a washing machine, keeping your kitchen looking neat. Or, if you have a large pantry in your kitchen, this could be a great place for your washing machine, as long as it has the right connections for electricity and plumbing. This way, your appliance is handy but not in the middle of everything else in your kitchen.


Using a cupboard for your washing machine can be a good idea, especially in smaller spaces. You can either create a new cupboard space or modify an existing one to fit the washing machine. 

Integrated washing machines are smaller and can be a great choice for cupboard installation. They fit neatly behind a cupboard door, blending into the room. You can also fit a regular-sized washer in a cupboard, but keep in mind that freestanding washing machines are often bigger than the average cupboard. 

It’s important to get the measurements right. You need enough room on all sides of the machine, including the back and front, to ensure proper ventilation and to allow for movement during washing cycles. This space helps reduce overheating and minimises noise and vibration. This is important to prevent risks like mould growth and overheating. 

Plus, ensure that your cupboard location has the necessary water and electricity connections. If not, installing these can be pricey.

Utility Room

Utility rooms are often a perfect fit for washing machines. They usually have the necessary plumbing and electrical connections, making installation easier. 

It’s a practical choice, especially if you have a tumble dryer, as you can keep both appliances together. This not only saves time and effort in transferring laundry but also provides good ventilation. Utility rooms often come with windows or an extractor fan, which is great for your machines. 

Remember, if these utilities aren’t already in place, professional help might be needed, which can add to the cost.



If you’re considering the bathroom for your washing machine, remember the UK’s strict rules about electrical sockets. They must be at least 3 metres away from the bath or shower area. This spacing might be tough in smaller bathrooms. 

Also, bathrooms often have poor ventilation, leading to potential mould problems in your washing machine, which could affect its performance.


If you’re considering the garage, shed, or an outbuilding for your washing machine, it’s a practical option, as long as certain conditions are met. This choice is great for saving space in your home and reducing noise, especially if your machine is loud during wash cycles. 

But, remember to make sure that your garage has good ventilation, a stable electricity supply, a water supply, and proper drainage. Additionally, keep in mind that the temperature should not drop below 5°C to prevent any damage to the machine. 

Pro tip: Renovating or remodelling an available area in your home to accommodate your washing machine is an option to consider if it doesn’t have the necessary connections, like water and electricity, or if you need room for ventilation. This will require assistance from a professional, which might be expensive, depending on the amount of work needed. 

Bedroom / Living Room


Placing a washing machine in a bedroom or living room is usually not ideal. These areas typically lack the necessary connections for a washing machine. 

In a bedroom, the noise from the machine can be disruptive, especially during sleep. This room also often doesn’t have the space to accommodate such a large appliance without posing a physical hazard. 

A washing machine in a living or dining room can appear out of place. Concealing it might require renovations, leading to additional expenses.


Having your washing machine upstairs can be a smart move, especially for ease of laundry access. This placement means you can directly add your dirty laundry without needing to go downstairs, saving time and space. 

However, consider the challenges: washing machines are heavy and difficult to transport up stairs. You’ll need help to avoid injury or damage to the machine. 

Also, think about potential water leaks – if your washer is upstairs, leaks could damage the ceiling below. And remember, you might need to renovate to install necessary connections for your washing machine upstairs.

SEE ALSO: Can You Put A Washing Machine In A Garage?

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can you put a washing machine?

You can put a washing machine in several places in your home as long as there’s access to water, drainage, and an electrical connection. Common spots include the kitchen, utility room, or even a well-ventilated cupboard.

Can you put a washing machine anywhere in a kitchen?

Yes, you can put a washing machine anywhere in a kitchen, provided it has the necessary connections. Popular choices are under the counter or in a designated space like a large cupboard or pantry area.

Can I put a washing machine in the bathroom?

You can put a washing machine in the bathroom, but you must comply with UK safety regulations, ensuring electrical sockets are at least 3 metres away from the bath or shower area. Also, consider the ventilation to prevent mould.

Is it OK to put a washing machine in a cupboard?

Yes, it’s OK to put a washing machine in a cupboard. Just make sure there’s enough space for ventilation and that the cupboard can support the weight and vibration of the machine.

Where should a washing machine be placed in a small house?

In a small house, a washing machine should be placed in a space-efficient area with proper connections, like a small utility area, under the kitchen counter, or even in a large cupboard. It’s all about making the most of available space while ensuring safety and functionality.

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