
Best Dehumidifier For Drying Clothes Inside 2024 (save energy & space)

Best Dehumidifier For Drying Clothes Inside 2024 (save energy & space)

Once winter sets in, finding the best dehumidifier for drying clothes becomes essential as drying laundry outdoors becomes impractical in...
Is Drying Clothes Outside Illegal In the UK?

Is Drying Clothes Outside Illegal In the UK?

Over the past few years there have been reports of bans on tenants drying their laundry outdoors. At the same...
Can Clothes Dry In A Cold Room? (What You Need To Know)

Can Clothes Dry In A Cold Room? (What You Need To Know)

Picture this: You've just finished doing a load of laundry, but the weather outside is gloomy and cold. You don't...
Dehumidifier Vs Tumble Dryer For Drying Clothes: which is better?

Dehumidifier Vs Tumble Dryer For Drying Clothes: which is better?

Living in an area where the weather cannot be relied on to get clothes dry outdoors even during the summer...
Where Are The Best Places To Dry Clothes Inside?

Where Are The Best Places To Dry Clothes Inside?

It can be challenging getting laundry dry outdoors in the UK even in summertime. But it’s almost impossible during the...
Is It Bad To Dry Clothes In The Bedroom? (or is it ok)

Is It Bad To Dry Clothes In The Bedroom? (or is it ok)

With the weather we get here in the UK, even in the summer, drying clothes can be problematic especially if...
12 Tumble Dryer Alternatives: How to dry clothes indoors without a Dryer

12 Tumble Dryer Alternatives: How to dry clothes indoors without a Dryer

In a recent poll of 2000 adults [1], it was found that the average washing machine will wash 4 loads...
17 Reasons To Buy A Dehumidifier

17 Reasons To Buy A Dehumidifier

Dehumidifiers are great at removing damp and moisture from a room. But they do so much more than that.  Dehumidifiers...
Best Dehumidifier For Loft

Best Dehumidifier For Loft

Do you need a dehumidifier for your loft? This is the first question that needs to be answered before we...
Best Dehumidifier For A Basement

Best Dehumidifier For A Basement

Basements can be cold, damp places at the best of times, but during the winter months, they can feel even...
Best Dehumidifier For Bathrooms

Best Dehumidifier For Bathrooms

Bathrooms are always damp, it’s the very nature of the room, with 3, 4, or even 5 people bathing and...
Best Dehumidifiers For Bedrooms

Best Dehumidifiers For Bedrooms

It is important to keep high moisture levels at bay in your bedroom. Excessive moisture can cause mould, mildew, rotting...
Dehumidifier Vs Air Purifier – What Is Best?

Dehumidifier Vs Air Purifier – What Is Best?

Do you wake up in the morning sneezing and suffering from allergies associated with dust mites? Or do you have...
Does A Dehumidifier Kill Mould?

Does A Dehumidifier Kill Mould?

Mould and mildew are extremely common in houses in the UK, this is due to our climate. Wet Springs lead...
Are Dehumidifiers Expensive To Run?

Are Dehumidifiers Expensive To Run?

This is a question we often get asked, and to answer it fully, we need to know the type of...
What Does A Dehumidifier Do?

What Does A Dehumidifier Do?

If you often notice condensation on your windows, or have black patches on your walls, or your home has that...
Best Dehumidifiers 2024

Best Dehumidifiers 2024

Most houses in the UK are prone to damp, humid conditions at some time or another. Usually in winter when...