How Hotels Keep Their Towels So White (and you can too)

When you stay at a hotel, nothing screams cleanliness and a hygienic environment more than fresh bright white towels. If the towels in your room were stained or looked dingy, you would assume that the room wasn’t too clean either.

In this short article we’ll tell you the reasons why hotels choose white towels as well as unveiling the secrets they use to keep their towels so white and fluffy. Keep reading to find out exactly how to have hotel white towels in your home.

Why Do Hotels Have White Towels?

Hotel Room

Hotels having bright white towels sends a clear message right from the start that they’re very serious about cleanliness. Clean white fluffy towels also lets you know that you’re most likely in for a comfortable stay.

But there’s more to keeping towels white than giving a good impression, there are practical implications as well. White towels are easier to keep clean because they can be bleached without fear of colour bleeds or fading. 

This means the hotel doesn’t need to use as many expensive chemicals which saves them money, is better for the environment, not to mention the health of staff and guests.

The Secrets To Keeping White Towels, White

white towels

There’s more to washing white towels than you might think, especially if you want to keep them pure white and soft and fluffy. Our top tips for maintaining white towels include;

Using The Correct Detergent

When hotels wash their white towels the secret is in the detergent they use. To replicate this at home, you need to use a high quality detergent designed specifically for white linens.

You should also make sure not to use too much detergent because it can leave a residue behind that will make the towels stiff and not so absorbent. Too much detergent can also trap dirt in the soap suds which will become caught in the fibres of your towels.

Using Oxygen Bleach

To keep your white towels white and stain free, using bleach is a good idea. However, it has to be the right kind of bleach. Keep away from chlorine bleach because it’s too harsh and can damage the fabric of the towels. Chlorine bleach can also cause white towels to yellow over time as well.

Oxygen bleach is a safe, non toxic biodegradable alternative to chlorine bleach that will remove stains and brighten your whites in the wash. You will need to follow the instructions on the packaging to the letter and only use the right amount for the wash load you’re doing.

Always Wash At The Correct Temperature

With all the low temperature wash cycles on modern washing machines it can be easy to forget about hot washes. But to get your white towels super clean, soft and hygienic they need to be washed on a hot wash.

Coloured towels can typically withstand a 40oC wash cycle but white towels should be washed at 60oC. The high temperature will help to remove stains and eradicate germs and bacteria from your white towels.

If Your White Towels Are Heavily Stained, Pre-Soak Them First

bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar

There are a few natural products that can help remove stains from white towels which include;

White Vinegar

Before you put your white towels in the washer, they can be soaked in a white vinegar/hot water solution. This is a great way to remove any ingrained stains or bad odours.

All you need to do is pour 1 cup (250 ml) of white vinegar into a gallon (4.5 litre) bucket of hot water and soak the towels for 30 to 40 minutes. Then wash them in the normal way.

Bicarbonate Of Soda

Another great stain remover for white towels is Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda). All you need to do is make a paste from bicarbonate of soda and warm water and apply it to the stain.

Leave it on to do its magic for 5 to 10 minutes before washing the towel in the usual way.

Keep Away From Fabric Softeners

You might think, given their name, that fabric softeners will work well on towels to make them soft. But the reality is that fabric softeners leave a residue behind that coats the fibres of the towel and actually prevents them from absorbing moisture.

A towel that doesn’t absorb moisture is about as much use as a chocolate teapot! Dryer sheets are just as bad because they’re impregnated with the same chemicals as fabric softeners and will coat your towels in the same way.

Combat Yellowing With Bluing Liquid

Laundry bluing liquid is a product that’s used for getting yellowed whites, white again. White towels can start to yellow due to a combination of a build up of detergent residue and old age.

Bluing liquid contains a blue pigmentation that changes the yellowing back to pure white again. It’s not a dye, it’s actually a colloid of blue iron salt suspended in a water solution. As it’s not a dye, it doesn’t cause any permanent stains and can be reversed if too much is used by accident.

Use Wool Dryer Balls

Wool dryer balls are a great way to soften the fabric of your towels without using any chemicals at all. All you do is add 3 or 4 wool dryer balls to the tumble dryer along with your towels and run your regular cycle.

The wool dryer balls reduce drying time and make the towels soft and fluffy. If you want to, you can add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to the balls to infuse your towels with a pleasant fragrance.

Ways To Keep Your White Towels In Tip Top Condition

A person putting clothes into a washing machine

It’s only natural that you should want to keep your white towels looking and feeling as good as new. We’ve put together a few helpful tips to help with that. Which include;

Separate Your White Towels

The best way to keep white towels in that fresh, new towel condition is to wash them separately. It’s never a good idea to wash towels in with other items because the towels could pick up lint and other stuff that falls from other items in the drum.

If your towels get any debris from other items on them, it not only makes them lose their softness, it also makes them look dirty and dingy.

Don’t Overload The Drum

Towels need room to move around in the drum to ensure they get washed properly. If you cram too many towels in the wash together, they won’t get fully cleaned.

Plus overloading the drum is a sure fire way to damage your towels or make them look wrinkled.

Make Sure You Use The Correct Wash Cycle

White towels will look better if they’re washed in a hot wash, but check the care label first. Coloured or patterned towels can only withstand 40 degrees but white towels should be washed at 60 degrees to remove stains, germs and bacteria.

Added to which, the correct wash cycle will ensure that enough water is used to get your towels properly clean and rinsed.

Don’t Overdry 

If your white towels become overdried, they will feel stiff and scratchy. Instead of that luxurious soft feeling, you’ll feel like you’re using sandpaper to dry yourself.

Remove towels from the dryer before they are fully dry. And allow them to finish drying in the air, not the dryer.

Be Sure To Store Them Correctly

Once your white towels are clean and dry, fold them neatly and store them in a cool, dry place. Keep them away from any damp or humid areas as this can lead to mould and mildew growth.

Ways To Make Your White Towels As Good As A Hotels

white laundry with bleach

Most hotels use a cleaning company to maintain their white towels in that fresh white soft condition. While it’s not practical to do the same at home, as long as you follow the advice in this article, you’ll have hotel quality white towels in your home. Just remember to;

  • Wash white towels separately
  • Use a high quality detergent
  • Use oxygen bleach (chlorine bleach can cause yellowing)
  • Avoid fabric softeners or dryer sheets
  • Use a hot wash to wash white towels
  • Don’t overload the drum
  • Pre-treat any stains or bad odours
  • Use wool dryer balls in the dryer

Over To You

Did you find this helpful? Do you have any hacks of your own? Let us know in the comments section below. And share this with your friends so that you can all have hotel quality white towels in your homes.

SEE ALSO: The Surprising Reason Why Smalls Load Are A Big Problem

Frequently Asked Questions

What do hotels use to get their towels white?

Hotels use chemical products to get their towels white. Chemicals like sodium percarbonate which is a strong oxidiser that removes stains and destroys germs and bacteria. For home use we recommend oxygen bleach which contains sodium percarbonate and does the same thing.

How do hotels keep towels soft and fluffy?

Hotels keep their towels soft and fluffy by ensuring they don’t overdry them. They dry on a low heat and often use dryer balls to speed up the drying time and keep the towels fluffy.

Is bleach or vinegar better for white towels?

Bleach can be too harsh and damage the fabric over time. You’re better off using white vinegar instead of bleach because it is far gentler and won’t damage the fabric whilst still maintaining the softness and brightness of your towels.

Why do my towels look dirty after washing?

Your towels will look dirty after washing if you force too many items into the drum, or you wash towels with other items. You could also be using too much detergent which will cause the soap suds to hold dirt and trap it in the fabric of your towels.

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