How To Pull A Washing Machine Out Easily (without causing damage)

If you want to pull your washing machine out to clean behind it or even if you’re moving home and need to take the machine with you, it all comes down to technique. The last thing you want to do is damage the floor, or your back. Washing machines are heavy appliances, with the average weight for a washing machine being 170 pounds (77kg).

Some weigh more than this in fact, there are some washing machines which weigh in at 300 pounds (136 kg). That’s a lot of weight when you can’t even get a good grip. It’s not like washing machines come with handles.

Never attempt to move a washing machine if you have issues with your back, shoulders, neck etc as they are incredibly heavy 

Safety First

The washing machine is probably the heaviest household appliance you own. This can be made heavier if the machine is full of laundry and/or water. Always try to ensure the machine is empty before attempting to move it. If it has stopped working, you can drain it using the pump filter but this will take some time with a full washing machine (see below).

Also make sure the electric cable and hoses etc are long enough to move the machine as far as you want it to go. If not, you might have to turn off the water supply and remove the feeder hose(s) before attempting to move the machine.

If possible, get help to move your washing machine, two people will move the machine far easier than one.

How To Drain A Broken Down Washing Machine

If your machine has stopped working and you need to move it for whatever reason, you can remove the water from the machine via the pump filter. Before starting this, place some towels around the floor in front of the machine. Then get a shallow bowl and place it directly below the filter cap.

Unscrew the filter, and pull it out slightly, be aware water is going to gush from this filter as soon as you pull it back. Once the bowl is full, replace the filter and screw it in.

Repeat until all of the water has been drained from the machine. You’ll know when that is because there will be no more water escaping from the filter.

The Best Way To Pull A Washing Machine Out

Washing Machine

The best way to pull a washing machine out is to lift the front and slide the machine forward on the back feet. However, there are a few risks involved with this so take care. 

Using The Door Opening

If possible, open the machine’s door and lift from inside the drum at the top. Take care to not damage the door so definitely don’t pull the machine or try to lift it via the actual door itself.

Using The Soap Dispenser

If the door is locked shut and cannot be opened, another alternative is to remove the soap dispenser drawer and place your hands under the lip where the drawer is located. This can sometimes give you enough purchase to lift the front of the machine just enough to slide it forward.

Lifting From Underneath The Machine

This is the most difficult place to use when moving a washing machine but it can be done. Slide your hands under the front of the bottom of the machine and lift the machine slightly. Then gently pull backwards – the machine should start to come towards you.

You will then need to drop the machine, and reposition yourself before repeating this process until the machine is far enough out from the wall.

Be Mindful Of The Floor

As soon as you lift the front of the machine, and begin to move it towards you, think about the surface of the floor. Does the floor covering go all the way to the back of the machine, or does it finish halfway back? Often the machine came first and the floor covering was just slid under the machine.

Depending on the quality of the floor covering, it might snag on the rear feet of the machine and prevent it sliding forwards. If the flooring is made from vinyl, there’s a good chance you could rip it.

If you have a tiled surface, and the tiles were added after the machine, there’s a good chance that they haven’t gone all the way to the wall and could stop the machine from sliding forward at all. If this is the case you’ll need to tilt the machine forward slightly to lift the rear feet until they are on the tiled surface. 

How To Put The Machine Back Afterwards

Back in the good old days, washing machines had wheels as back feet which made moving them far simpler. But nowadays, washing machines have feet instead of wheels. This makes it difficult to maneuver in any direction.

The easiest way we find is to walk the machine backwards by pushing on one side one step, and then the other side for one step and so on. It is also easier to push as low down on the machine as possible.

Pushing from the top can often result in the machine lifting instead of going backwards. But take care as the panels on washing machines are quite thin, which can lead to them denting if too much pressure is applied to them. So don’t be tempted to use your knees to do the pushing for you.

Never use any form of lubricant to pull the machine forwards or push it backwards. Lubricants tend to stick around which can mean your washing machine will move around the next time you use it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How heavy is a washing machine?

The average weight for a washing machine is 170 pounds (77 kg) but some machines can weigh as much as 300 pounds (136 kg).

Can 1 person move a washing machine on their own?

It is possible for 1 person to move a washing machine on their own. You should lift the machine from the top at the front and slide it forward slightly. Then check that any floor covering isn’t caught up in the rear feet before continuing.

Can I use a lubricant to ease the movement of my washing machine?

You can use a lubricant to ease the movement of your washing machine, but remember, when you put the machine back, that lubricant will probably allow the machine to move during a wash cycle.

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