
Make laundry days a breeze with our easy to follow laundry guides. You’ll learn how to remove stains, which detergents to use and more!

Is It Ok To Use Bleach On Coloured Clothes?

Is It Ok To Use Bleach On Coloured Clothes?

Wondering if you can keep your coloured clothes bright and stain-free without ruining them? You might think bleach is off-limits,...
Does Dry Cleaning Remove Colour Run?

Does Dry Cleaning Remove Colour Run?

Have you ever got your clothes out of the wash only to find out that they are a different colour?...
Can Sweat Bleach Your Clothes?

Can Sweat Bleach Your Clothes?

Have you ever noticed that some of your clothes have bleached streaks or have faded in just a short period...
Is It Ok To Pour Detergent Directly On Clothes?

Is It Ok To Pour Detergent Directly On Clothes?

When it comes to doing laundry, we all want to make sure our clothes come out clean and smell great....
Is It Ok To Soak Clothes In Fabric Softener Overnight?

Is It Ok To Soak Clothes In Fabric Softener Overnight?

If you are like many people who prefer soft and fragrant garments, you may be a fan of fabric softeners....
Why Your Washing Machine Makes Your Kitchen Sink Smell (and how to fix it)

Why Your Washing Machine Makes Your Kitchen Sink Smell (and how to fix it)

Have you ever noticed your sink smells when the washing machine is on? Several factors, including blocked pipes and improper...
Can You Tumble Dry Fleece Jackets?

Can You Tumble Dry Fleece Jackets?

For outdoor enthusiasts, fleece jackets are a staple because of their warm but breathable feel. Fleece is also moisture-resistant and...
Can You Put Fabric Softener Straight Into A Washing Machine’s Drum?

Can You Put Fabric Softener Straight Into A Washing Machine’s Drum?

When it comes to doing laundry, we all want our clothes to come out smelling fresh and feeling soft. Fabric...
Can Fleas Survive In The Washing Machine?

Can Fleas Survive In The Washing Machine?

Do you have pets in your home? If so, you may have to deal with flea infestation, or you might...
Can You Put Kettle Descaler In The Washing Machine?

Can You Put Kettle Descaler In The Washing Machine?

If you live in an area with hard water, the issues that come with having to deal with limescale can...
Does Aspirin In The Washing Machine Whiten Whites?

Does Aspirin In The Washing Machine Whiten Whites?

Do you have a box of aspirin lying around your home, and you’re wondering whether it’s true that a few...
Can You Put Bicarbonate Of Soda In The Washing Machine?

Can You Put Bicarbonate Of Soda In The Washing Machine?

Bicarbonate of soda is one of the all-round products we can use not only in the kitchen for baking but...
What Is The “Mixed Load” Setting On A Washing Machine?

What Is The “Mixed Load” Setting On A Washing Machine?

When you take a look at your washer, you may be confused about how many programmes there are to choose...
Can You Put ‘Hand Wash Only’ Sweaters In the Washing Machine?

Can You Put ‘Hand Wash Only’ Sweaters In the Washing Machine?

While you can put 'hand wash only' sweaters in the washing machine, doing so comes with the risk of shrinking,...
Washing Machine Drum Banging? (here’s why & what to do)

Washing Machine Drum Banging? (here’s why & what to do)

Washing machines make a lot of noise when running which is why so many are placed in utility rooms or...
What Is The “Sports Cycle” On A Washing Machine?

What Is The “Sports Cycle” On A Washing Machine?

Do you often wear fabrics that are made of nylon, polyester, or lycra? Does your typical day include going to...
Rust Coloured Spots On Laundry? (here’s why & what to do)

Rust Coloured Spots On Laundry? (here’s why & what to do)

You just finished doing your fresh batch of laundry, only to find that your clothes now have rust-coloured stains. Why...
Washing Machine Smells Like Sewage? (here’s why & what to do)

Washing Machine Smells Like Sewage? (here’s why & what to do)

Is there an unpleasant smell coming from your washing machine? If the odour is so foul that it smells like...
Washing Machine Detergent Drawer Not Emptying? (here’s why & what to do)

Washing Machine Detergent Drawer Not Emptying? (here’s why & what to do)

Have you ever reached to empty your washing machine, only to find the detergent drawer still full? Do you notice...
Black Flakes In Your Washing Machine? (here’s why & what to do)

Black Flakes In Your Washing Machine? (here’s why & what to do)

Finding black flakes in your washing machine can be a bit of a shock. These mysterious particles will not only...