21 Reasons To Buy An Electric Log Burner

Electric fires used to look so fake, they’d warm a room up but they were like 2 out of 10 for realism. Not any more, modern electric fires look so realistic it’s easy to mistake them for genuine coal or log burning fires. Some even have that wood crackling sound and realistic looking ash in the fire pit.

If you’ve always wanted a log fire, but don’t like the idea of all that ash and mess, or chopping  wood is more than you’re capable of (or can be bothered with) – don’t despair. You can join the millions of other people enjoying the effects of a log fire without all of the hassle.

Why Have Electric Log Burning Fires Become Such A Popular Choice?

To help you on your way, here are the main reasons buying an electric log burner has become so popular in recent years. 

  1. No Extra Costs-Installation, Maintenance, Servicing
    Of all the types of heating fires available, electric fires are the easiest to install. All you need is a nearby plug socket, and that’s it, no need to drill holes in walls, no expensive building work to install exhausts, flues, or chimneys.

    And it gets better, not only do gas fires require installation by a certified gas engineer, they also need regular servicing to maintain operating safety levels. At least once every year you’ll need to find the payment for a service. Often with gas fires there will be parts that need replacing – pilot lights, electronic starters – yes that’s right gas fires are reliant on electricity to create the spark to get them started.

    Coal fires or log burners will need the chimney swept every year, with all the costs and mess that entails. But an electric log burner, has no extra costs for maintenance or safety measures at all. Just plug it in, turn it on and enjoy the realistic flame effect and immediate heat.
  2. Fast, Dependable Heat
    At just the flick of a switch an electric log burner is producing heat. No hearths to clean, logs to chop, fires to start, no lying prone on the floor trying to ignite the pilot to get the gas fire started. Just switch on or push the button on the remote and instant heat.
  3. Easy To Use
    As stated above, no marathon wood chopping sessions, no checking the gas pilot is alight, just one touch and the electric fire is heating the room instantly. If it gets too hot just turn the heating element off, it’s as simple as that. With a real wood  log burner, there’s no regulating the heat, it’s either out or producing heat- no switching it to one bar etc.
  4. Effective Use Of Heat
    With an electric log burner, the heat is instant, and as many rely on convection, that heat is passed through the air to heat the entire room. Unlike: coal, log burning or gas fires that tend to only heat the area directly in front of them.
  5. Low Purchase Price
    For as little as £30 you can be the proud owner of a 1000 Watt log burner, for £100 you can purchase a 2000 Watt wall mounted, flat screen, glass panel radiant heater with a realistic log burning flame effect and remote control. 
  6. No Fear Of Harmful Chemicals Or Poisons
    The reasons gas, coal and log burning fires need servicing every year is to prevent the build-up, or production of any harmful poisonous gases.It is common to detect carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide being produced from neglected gas, coal and log burning fires.

    Carbon monoxide is known as the silent killer because it is virtually undetectable. Electric fires on the other hand, produce no toxins at all. No gases, fumes or smoke, just clean heat. 
  7. Large Choice Of Styles
    With so many companies producing electric log burning fires and stoves, in a range of styles, colours and sizes, you will literally be spoilt for choice.
  8. Fit Anywhere
    Due to the range of sizes and the easy to install nature of an electric log burner, they can be placed in any space. From the focal point in a living room, to a feature on the landing between floors, and anywhere in between a log burning electric fire can be placed anywhere. 
  9. Pollution Free
    No smoke, gases, or pollutants of any description, electric log burning fires are safe and pollution-free.
  10. Log Burning Effect Without Heat
    During late winter/early spring, when the temperature is not cold enough to justify any heating. It is nice to just have the warm glow of the flame effect without the heater working. This is of course not an option with a real log burner, it’s all or nothing.

    Even in the heights of summer, it’s still nice to sit in front of a fire with logs glowing. It’s also uncomfortable when it’s a hot, humid evening, but with an electric log burner you can have that real fire look without any heat generation at all.
  11. No Mess
    Coal fires and log burners can be a romantic way of heating your living room, but what’s not so romantic is clearing all the ash away the following morning. With an electric log burner that’s never a problem. Just a quick dust every now and then to keep the illusion of realism alive.
  12. Safe For Use With The Young, Elderly Or Infirm
    As the heating element is far removed from the flame effect in an electric log burner, there is no chance of young inquisitive hands getting burnt. Or even if someone elderly was to stumble and fall head first into the flames, they might get bruised, and the flame effect might get damaged, but they won’t get burnt.

    We checked this by running an electric log burner on full heat for 30 minutes and then touching the flame/logs. It was quite warm to the touch, but not hot enough to actually burn skin.
  13. Energy-Efficient
    Electric fires are the most energy-efficient form of heating available on today’s market. We looked at 4 types of heating: Open wood burning fires, log burning stoves, gas fires and electric log burners. The results were quite surprising:
Electric Fire
Type Of HeatingEnergy-Efficiency
Open Wood Burning Fires10% Efficient
Gas Fires50% Efficient
Log Burning Stoves75% Efficient
Electric Log Burners100% Efficient

Electric log burners are 100% energy-efficient as the amount of energy drawn is exactly the amount of energy used to heat.

  1. Portable
    As it’s just a case of plug in and switch on, and as many electric log burners are small enough to be moved easily. They can be moved from room to room and used wherever and whenever they are needed.
  2. Relatively Inexpensive To Run
    A 2000 Watt electric log burner will cost around 30 pence per hour to run. Assuming you are charged 15 pence per unit for electricity. A 1000 Watt electric log burner will cost 15 pence to run. Plus we don’t use heaters constantly, so assuming the heater is in use for 6 hours per evening that would give a daily cost of £1.80 or 90 pence respectively.
  3. No Heat Loss
    As there is no chimney or flue, there is no heat loss into the outside air. All of the heat produced will flow into the room the heater is in.
  4. Accurate Cost Of Fuel Usage
    It is hard to quantify coal or log usage whereas electricity and to a lesser extent gas can be accurately measured and the costs evaluated.
  5. Remote Controlled Heating
    Electric log burners are available with remote controls allowing you to adjust the heating output without leaving the comfort  of your favourite armchair.
  6. Thermostatic Heat Control
    With thermostatically controlled heating, electric log burners only use energy when it’s needed. Once the ideal temperature is reached the heater cuts out. Unlike real log burners that just continue to produce heat and allow much of it to escape up the chimney.
  7. Long Life Span
    With virtually nothing to go wrong, due to their simple but effective design, electric log burners last for many years. With the possible exception of the light bulbs. On older models, the light bulbs can need replacing every 2 years or so. But with ultra-modern electric log burners, however, the light bulbs have been replaced with LED bulbs which last considerably longer.
  8. Space Saving
    With their relatively small size and the safety of the power source, electric log burners are small, neat and can be placed almost anywhere. With no need to add a fire guard to prevent burning they save much more space than a conventional log burner/coalfire/gas fire.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do electric log burners take to be delivered?

The length of time electric log burners take to be delivered is dependent on where you buy it. Some retailers deliver next day these include Argos, Amazon Prime, stoves-4life.co.uk, and many more. Other companies offer a free delivery service usually with a 5 to 7 days waiting time.

Are electric log burners worth buying?

Electric log burners are worth buying if you are looking for style, value for money, instant heat, no mess, easy installation and much more.

What electric log burner manufacturer should I order?

You should order an electric log burner manufactured by a well-known reputable company. Some of the more popular are Dimplex, Von Haus, Beldray, Adam, Warmlite, and many more.

Is it safe to shop for an electric log burner online?

It is safe to shop for an electric log burner online. Just stick to a well-known retailer and look for the best deal you can find.

Can I buy an electric log burner on finance?

You can buy an electric log burner on finance. Many retailers offer their own finance deals, many with 0% deals. Get at least 3 quotes and go for the best fit for your circumstances.

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