How To Make Socks White Again (easy ways to whiten white socks)

Nothing makes a fashion statement like a pair of bright white socks. Unfortunately due to their proximity to the ground, white socks don’t stay white for very long. 

If you walk around the house in just your socks, it won’t be long before the soles are pretty filthy. Often, that means the end of those socks and you often then veer away from white socks after that.

If you like to wear white socks and would like to keep wearing them for years to come, keep reading. In this article we’ll share some of the best ways to make your white socks white again.

The Easiest Way To Whiten White Socks

We all lead such busy lives nowadays which leaves little time for washing clothes. All most of us do is chuck all of our clothes in the washing machine and forget it.

Which is why we’re putting this washing tip first, because it’s the most effective way to whiten white socks again. It will take around 15 to 20 minutes out of your busy day, but it also virtually guarantees your dirty, faded, yellowing or greying white socks will be restored to their former glory.

What You’ll Need

All you need is a sink full of hot water, washing up liquid and bleach. We recommend using oxygen bleach for this because household (chlorine) bleach can often be responsible for turning whites a slightly yellowy colour.

How To Whiten White Socks Using Oxygen Bleach

Sodasan | Oxygen Bleach | 1 x 500g
  • Sodasan Oxygen Bleach 1 X 500G Known Barcode:4019886000550 Please Check Manufacturer Website For Updated Ingredients Or Contents Uk

To restore your white socks to full whiteness all you need to do is;

  1. Fill the sink with hot water.
  2. Add 3 or 4 tablespoons of oxygen bleach and stir so that the oxygen bleach dissolves.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of washing up liquid.
  4. Place the dirty white socks in the sink and soak for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the socks from the sink and place them in the washing machine.
  6. Wash on a hot wash using your regular detergent.

That’s it, the easiest and most effective way to whiten white socks.

Using Ammonia To Whiten White Socks


Every time we put washing in our washing machines, we reach for the detergent box. But sometimes, it’s the detergent that’s caused your white socks to look off white.

An easy way to restore white socks is to replace detergent with ammonia. All you need to do is;

  1. Put your white socks in the washing machine.
  2. Put 1 cup of ammonia into the detergent dispenser.
  3. Wash the socks in the usual way.

Natural Alternative Methods For Whitening White Socks Without Bleach

If you don’t have any oxygen bleach, or you don’t want to use bleach for the sake of the environment. We do have some alternative ways to get white socks white.

However, oxygen bleach is made from natural ingredients which are relatively harmless. So, if you don’t want to use bleach because of environmental concerns, oxygen bleach is quite safe.

There are a few natural ways to bring the whiteness back to your white socks and the beauty of these methods is most people will have at least one of the ingredients already in the cupboard.

Use White Vinegar To Get Socks White Again

Golden Swan - White Vinegar - for Cleaning, Pickling, Marinating & Cooking - Distilled White Vinegar- 5 Litre Bottle (1 Pack)
  • ECO FRIENDLY NATURAL WHITE VINEGAR - Our vinegar has natural cleaning properties without any chemical components which could lead to nasty residue. Tradionally, Vinegar is the original & best cleaning product!

Distilled white vinegar can be used around the home for any number of cleaning tasks. And cleaning dirty white socks is one of them as it is known to remove stains, bad smells and germs as well.

All you need to do is;

  1. Mix 1 litre of boiling water with 1 cupful of white vinegar.
  2. Place your socks in the mixture and soak overnight.
  3. Take them out of the sink and wash in your washing machine on a regular wash cycle using your usual detergent.

Use Baking Soda (Bicarbonate Of Soda) To Get Socks White Again


Baking soda is another common product found in most kitchens and like white vinegar has many uses. To use baking soda to get your white socks sparkling white again, all you need to do is;

  1. Fill the sink with hot water and mix in 1 cup of baking soda.
  2. Put the socks in the sink and soak overnight.
  3. Then put the socks in your washing machine and add ½ a cup of baking soda on top of the socks.
  4. Wash on a hot wash using your regular detergent.

Use Lemon Juice To Get Socks White Again

Fruit Hand Press Juice Citrus Lemon Juicer,Multi-purpose Manual Juicer Tool
  • Product includes: Generous capacity lemons Squeezer with lid .

Using fresh lemon juice to soak your socks in doesn’t only help to whiten them, it can also remove bacteria too. Try using lemon juice on white socks that have faded too. All you need to do is;

  1. Fill a bowl with hot water and add the juice of 1 medium sized lemon.
  2. Put the socks in the mixture and leave to soak for around 2 to 3 hours.
  3. Put the socks in the washing machine and wash on a hot wash using your regular detergent.

Use Hydrogen PeroxideTo Whiten Socks Again


Hydrogen peroxide has been used for many years to apply to cuts, bleach hair and many other uses around the home. Unlike liquid Chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide is a less harsh bleaching agent. 

Which means it causes less damage to the material the socks are made from. All you need to do is; 

  1. Mix 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide into 1 gallon of hot water.
  2. Add your regular detergent at the usual amount.
  3. Soak the socks in this solution for around 30 minutes.
  4. Wash in the washing machine on a hot wash using your regular detergent.

Use Bluing Liquid To Whiten Your White Socks

Mrs. Stewart's Concentrated Liquid Bluing - Great for Laundry - 8-ounce Bottle (Pack of 2)
  • Mrs. Stewart's Concentrated Liquid Bluing - Great for Laundry - 8-ounce Bottle Pack of 2

If your white socks are not heavily soiled, just faded to that yellow shade that old white socks get. Using bluing liquid can really help to restore the whiteness.

Bluing liquid contains Prussian blue or ferric ferrocyanide which adds a blue pigment to the fabric of the socks. This counteracts the yellow and makes the socks look whiter.

You can buy it in a powdered or liquid form, it is quite expensive but as you only use a small amount, it lasts a long while. All you need to do is;

  1. Wash your white socks in the washing machine, using your regular detergent.
  2. Stir ¼ of a teaspoon of bluing liquid into 2 pints of cold water.
  3. Add the solution to the final rinse on your washing machine.

The rinse water will turn blue, don’t worry, this is normal.

SEE ALSO: Why Is My Washing Machine Putting Holes In My Clothes?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you bleach white socks in the UK?

To bleach white socks just add 3 to 4 tablespoons of oxygen bleach and 1 teaspoon of washing up liquid to a sink full of hot water and soak the white socks for around 15 minutes. Then wash in the usual way.

How do you wash white socks in the washing machine?

To wash white socks in the washing machine, they should be put in a white wash adding 3 to 4 tablespoons of oxygen bleach to the drum and wash in the usual way.

Can you soak white socks in bleach?

You can soak white socks in bleach but it’s best to use oxygen bleach as opposed to chlorine bleach. Chlorine bleach has the tendency to turn white clothes yellow.

Will bleach turn white socks yellow?

Using too much chlorine bleach when washing your white socks can cause them to look yellow. You should wash your white socks using oxygen bleach to prevent this yellowing.

Should you wash white socks in hot or cold water?

You should wash your white socks in a hot water wash to kill bacteria and smells.

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