Can You Put A Leather Jacket In The Washing Machine?

Washing your leather jacket in the washing machine is not recommended, as leather is sensitive to prolonged water exposure. 

Laundry detergent can strip the natural oils from the material, potentially causing it to become brittle. This damage can make the leather dry out and crack.

While it’s clear that tossing your leather jacket in the washing machine might not be the best idea, what are the safer alternatives?  

In this article, we’ll learn how to hand wash your jacket safely, caring for faux leather, and tips on keeping your jacket’s lining fresh and clean. 

How To Wash A Leather Jacket Without Ruining It

leather jacket

The main trouble with washing machines is that they agitate and soak the clothes, which are harmful to leather products. This doesn’t mean leather can never be wet. You can clean your leather jacket if you use a minimal amount of water.

To safely clean your leather jacket without damaging it, you should opt for gentle hand washing. Leather is quite good at resisting stains, so there’s no need for heavy cleaning.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Mix warm water with a small amount of washing-up liquid, or use white vinegar mixed with water for a gentler option.
  2. Dip a clean cloth into the solution and gently scrub the jacket.
  3. Use another clean cloth dampened with water to remove any soap traces.
  4. Pat the jacket with a towel. It should not be wet enough to require air drying.
  5. Apply a leather cream to replenish oils that washing might have removed, keeping the leather supple.

It’s important to use leather cream on your leather jacket after washing it. It replenishes oils that washing may have removed, keeping the leather supple.

Important: A leather jacket will shrink when dried in a tumble dryer. This method will not just shrink it but also strip away the natural oils, resulting in the leather becoming dried out and cracked. 

How To Wash A Faux Leather Jacket

Faux leather, often made from materials like vinyl, plastic, or plant-based materials, can usually withstand machine washing. However, you should always check the care label first. 

If applicable, place the faux leather jacket in the machine on a gentle cycle with mild detergent.

If in doubt, opt for hand washing. This can be done following the previous instructions or by using a bath, since artificial leather can handle being fully submerged.

How To Clean The Leather Jacket Lining

person wearing a leather jacket

To start, it’s essential to know the type of leather your jacket is made of; suede or nubuck jackets require a specialist for cleaning. Always check the label to understand the material used in the lining. 

If the lining is made of durable materials like polyester or cotton, you can freshen it up by flipping the jacket inside out and laying it flat.

Use a fabric-specific, scent-neutralising spray to remove odours. Smooth the fabric gently with your hands and hang the jacket up inside-out for 15 minutes. Turn the jacket right-side out afterwards

For delicate lining materials such as silk or rayon, it’s advisable to see a specialist. These materials can be easily damaged by home cleaning methods.

Keep the jacket in a dry place to prevent mould growth, ensuring that both the leather and fabric components are protected.

How To Clean A Leather Jacket With Wool Lining

If your leather jacket is lined with wool, special care is necessary to avoid shrinkage:

  • Follow the cleaning steps mentioned above
  • Remember, wool can shrink if it gets wet. It’s better to use a soft-bristled brush to gently remove surface dirt and debris from the wool
  • For stubborn stains, use a small amount of wool-safe detergent mixed with water. Apply this solution lightly with a sponge, and dab the area rather than rub to avoid damaging the fibres.
  • Let the jacket dry lying flat and keep it away from direct sunlight

Use leather conditioner to keep the jacket clean and free from dirt and grease. Always store your leather jacket in a dry place to prevent mould and odour accumulation.

These steps ensure that your leather jacket remains in excellent condition, looking and smelling fresh without the risk of damage from improper cleaning techniques.

SEE ALSO: Can You Tumble Dry A Leather Jacket? (read this first)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you put a leather jacket in the washing machine?

No, you should not put a leather jacket in the washing machine as it can cause severe damage to the leather by stripping its natural oils and causing it to dry out and crack.

How do you wash a leather jacket without ruining it?

To wash a leather jacket without ruining it, opt for gentle hand washing using a mixture of warm water and a small amount of washing-up liquid or white vinegar. Gently scrub with a soft cloth, rinse with a damp cloth to remove soap traces, pat dry, and apply a leather cream to replenish oils.

How to get the smell out of a leather jacket?

To remove odours from a leather jacket, flip it inside out and lay it flat. Use a fabric-specific, scent-neutralising spray, smooth the fabric gently by hand, and hang the jacket up inside-out for 15 minutes before turning it right-side out again.

Does a leather jacket shrink after washing?

Yes, a leather jacket can shrink after washing, especially if dried improperly, such as in a tumble dryer. This method can also strip away natural oils, resulting in the leather becoming dry and cracked. Always dry the jacket flat and away from direct heat to avoid shrinkage.

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