Samsung Fridge Making Noise When The Door’s Closed? (do this)

If you can hear noises coming from your fridge when the door is closed, but when you open the fridge door to investigate, the noises stop, it can be worrying. You’re probably thinking that there’s something wrong and are expecting a hefty repair bill.

However, it’s quite normal for your Samsung refrigerator to make some noises when the door is closed. For instance, the compressor and evaporator fan will start up as soon as you close the door.

This is because it is trying to lower the internal temperature that was raised when warm air entered with the opening of the door. When the door is opened, these components shut down to save energy and restart once the door has been closed again.

There are also other noises that are all part of the normal sounds created when your refrigerator is running. Keep reading to find out all about these noises, which are normal as well as the ones that you need to worry about. 

What Noises Does A Samsung Refrigerator Make When The Door Is Closed?

There are several noises that you might hear when your Samsung refrigerator has its doors closed. It can be tricky because identifying the noise is only half the battle. Once you recognise the sound, you will need to decide whether it is a regular sound, or louder than normal.

A louder version of that same noise can be indicative of a problem, the sounds include;

Fridge NoiseLow Sound (Normal Conditions)Loud Sound (Sign Of A Fault)
Humming Or BuzzingCompressor running or ice maker fillingDefective compressor or defective or empty ice maker
Crackling, Snapping Or PoppingPlastic parts expanding or contracting during defrostDefective evaporator fan
Hissing Or GurglingRefrigerant flowing or water drippingN/A
Beeping Or ChimingN/ADoors not shut properly or the temperature inside the unit is too high
Banging Or KnockingIce falling into ice bucketToo much ice, loose water pipe defective ice maker or loose plastic parts
Whistling Or Blowing N/AThe refrigerator is too close to its surroundings (insufficient airflow)
GrindingIce dispensingIce obstruction, a defective motor or defective water inlet valve
RattlingCompressor stoppingDefective water inlet valve or the fridge is colliding with its surroundings
ClickingIce maker filling upN/A
FlutteringCompressor stopping once the predetermined temperature has been reachedN/A
WhirringNew appliance recently set upN/A
SquealingN/ADefective evaporator fan
FlappingN/ADefective door seal
SlappingFreezer temperatureDirty condenser coils
VibrationCompressor running, auger motor running or ice maker filling with waterUnlevel floor, loose parts, misaligned doors, insufficient space around the appliance, defective evaporator fan motor
SqueakingN/ADoor hinges need lubricating

As you can see, the sounds can be indicative of completely different things depending on the intensity of the sound. When the refrigerator is running properly any low level noises should desist when the doors are opened.

However, if the noises are louder than normal it could indicate a problem. Some of these problems are easy to fix whilst others may need some level of technical skill.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these sounds;

Humming Or Buzzing Sound

Samsung Refrigerator

It is quite normal for a Samsung refrigerator to make a low buzzing or humming sound when the compressor is running or when the ice maker is filling with water.

However, if the humming or buzzing is louder than normal, it could indicate that the compressor is defective, the ice maker is empty or is malfunctioning.

If you hear a loud humming sound, you should check the water supply to the ice maker and ensure it is working. If it is working correctly, check the compressor and replace it if necessary. 

Another sign of a faulty compressor is a warm fridge even when the compressor has been running for some time.

Crackling, Snapping Or Popping Sound

When your Samsung refrigerator is in defrost mode, the plastic parts can make a crackling, snapping or popping sound. This is perfectly normal especially with a new fridge that needs to adjust to the humidity and temperature of your home.

If the sounds are louder than normal however, it could be indicative of a failing evaporator fan. This will need investigating and replacing if it proves to be faulty.

Hissing Or Gurgling Sound

A hissing or gurgling sound coming from your fridge once the doors are closed is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. It is simply the sound of water dripping or the refrigerant flowing.

Beeping Or Chiming Sound

A person opening a refrigerator

There are two reasons why your Samsung refrigerator might make a beeping or chiming sound, which are;

  1. The Internal Temperature Is Too High
    If the temperature inside your fridge is higher than 3o C (38o F) you will need to ensure the door is closed and lower the internal temperature. You may need to reset the temperature using the thermostat.
  2. The Door Is Not Fully Closed
    Check the door seal if you suspect the door isn’t closed properly. It could be due to dirt or grime caught in the door seal preventing it from closing fully. It could also be that the door seal is damaged and needs to be replaced.

Banging Or Knocking Sound

A banging or knocking sound is often described as the sound heard when ice falls into the ice bucket or when there are unsteady items stacked inside the fridge.

If it is particularly loud however, it could indicate excessive ice buildup, loose water pipes, loose or damaged plastic parts or a faulty ice maker.

You should inspect the water pipes and tighten any that are loose, defrost the refrigerator, tighten or replace any plastic parts that are damaged and fix the ice maker.

Whistling Or Blowing Sound

If you can hear a whistling or blowing sound coming from the fridge, it is often caused by the appliance being too close to the wall or surrounding units etc. Your refrigerator needs at least a 1 to 2 inch clearance all around including above.

Grinding Sound

A soft grinding sound is normal when ice is being dispensed. However, if the sound is louder than normal or is heard when ice isn’t being dispensed it could be due to; the evaporator fan hitting an ice buildup or the water inlet valve is defective.

You will need to inspect the evaporator fan for any ice buildup or other obstruction and remove it. If there are no obstructions around the evaporator, you will need to check the inlet valve for continuity using a multimeter.

If it proves to be defective, it will need to be replaced.

Rattling Sound


You can often hear a low pitched rattling sound when the compressor stops working once the predetermined temperature has been achieved.

If the rattling is exceptionally loud however, it could indicate that the fridge is touching something close to it and is rattling when the compressor is running. Or the water inlet valve is defective.

You will need to ensure there is at least a 1 to 2 inch clearance all around the refrigerator. That’s the back, sides and above the unit as well. If there is nothing touching the appliance, you should check the inlet valve using a multimeter.

If it shows no continuity, the inlet valve will need to be replaced.

Clicking Sound

Your Samsung refrigerator will make a clicking sound when the ice maker fills up. This is a normal sound and nothing to be concerned about.

Fluttering Sound

When the compressor stops running after reaching its set temperature, you can often hear a fluttering sound. This is a normal operational sound and nothing to worry about.

Whirring Sound

If you have recently installed a new Samsung fridge in your home, a whirring sound is quite normal. It occurs because the moving parts are not yet lubricated properly.

Lubrication of the moving parts happens naturally over time. So all you need to do is be patient and wait for the lubrication to happen.

Squealing Sound

A squealing sound indicates a faulty fan. If you can hear a squealing sound you will need to replace a defective fan.

Flapping Sound

If you can hear a flapping sound coming from your Samsung refrigerator it often indicates that the door seal is damaged or loose. You will need to check the door seal and if it is damaged or loose, it will need to be replaced.

Slapping Sound

If you can hear a faint slapping sound coming from your Samsung refrigerator, it can be caused by freezing temperatures or if the condenser coils are dirty.

You should check and ensure the fridge temperature is set at 3o C (38o F). If this doesn’t stop the noise, inspect the condenser coils and remove any dirt or dust using a cloth, brush or vacuum cleaner.

Vibrational Noise 

open fridge door

There are a number of normal functions on a Samsung refrigerator that make a vibrational noise. For instance, when the compressor is running, when the auger motor is running and when the ice maker fills with water.

However, if the sound is overly loud and causes the appliance to shake, it could be caused by the following;

  • Unlevel Floor
    If your Samsung refrigerator is sitting on an unlevel floor it can cause the unit to vibrate loudly when in operation. You should check the level of the fridge using a spirit level and adjust the feet accordingly.
  • Misaligned Door
    If the doors are misaligned (which can often be the result of an uneven floor) the doors could rub together creating that loud vibration noise. If the fridge is level, check that the doors are aligned correctly and adjust as necessary.
  • Fridge Touching Its Surroundings
    Your refrigerator needs a 1 to 2 inch clearance all around to prevent it from rubbing against its surroundings when running.
  • Loose Parts
    Check all of the shelves, baskets, drawers and other plastic parts and make sure they are secure. Loose parts can make a lot of noise especially when the compressor is running.
  • Defective evaporator Fan Motor
    If you suspect the evaporator fan motor is defective, it will need to be checked for continuity using a multimeter. If it proves to be faulty, it will need to be replaced.

Squeaking Sound

The door hinges on the fridge will make a squeaking sound if they are dry or have developed a fault. You should lubricate the hinges using a food grade silicone lubricant spray.

If the noise persists, consider replacing the hinges.

SEE ALSO: Loud Samsung Refrigerator Fan Noise? (just do this)

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my Samsung refrigerator making a noise when the door is closed?

It is normal for Samsung refrigerators to make a noise when the door is closed. It is typically the sound of the compressor running to help the fridge reach its predetermined level of coolness.

Why is my Samsung refrigerator making a loud vibration noise?

It is normal for a Samsung fridge to make vibration sounds when the compressor is running, when the auger motor is running or when the ice maker fills with water. However, if the vibration sound is louder than normal it could be caused by; the unit not sitting on a level floor, the doors are misaligned, the fridge is touching its surroundings, there are loose parts moving around inside the fridge or the evaporator fan motor is defective.

Why is my new Samsung refrigerator making a whirring sound?

It is normal for new Samsung refrigerators to make a whirring sound. It is caused because the moving parts are lacking lubrication. This will right itself over time.

Why is my Samsung refrigerator making a loud grinding noise?

Samsung refrigerators make a grinding sound when ice is being dispensed. However, if the grinding sound is louder than normal it could be because there is a buildup of ice around the evaporator fan or the water inlet valve is defective.

Why can I hear a hissing sound coming from my Samsung fridge? 

If you can hear a hissing sound coming from your Samsung fridge it’s nothing to worry about. It is just the sound of water dripping or the refrigerant flowing.

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